Installation in Local Environment
Please follow the procedure.
Make sure you have met environment requirements.
- PHP Version == 8.0 or 8.1
- MySql Version >= 5.6+
- Maria DB Version >= 10.2+
- Node Version = 14.x to 16.x
- npm Version >= 6.12
- Composer
- Symlink/storage permission
Now, download the zipped file from CodeCanyon.
Unzip the zipped file. Inside the unzipped folder you will get two folders "Documentation" and "upload"
Move all the items from the "upload" folder to local directory from where you want to run the application
Open the folder in the Editor (phpstorm, vscode etc.)
Go to src folder and open .env file: update
Update the database credentials in the .env file.
Now navigate to
folder in command line and run the below commands
php artisan optimize:clear
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan storage:link
In this
folder open another terminal and run the below command in order to complete all the queued jobs generated in the application
php artisan schedule:work
Now go back to the
directory of your application and run the below command on a terminal
php -S localhost:8000 -t ./
Then you will get a URL in terminal: ex (
Copy and paste the url on a browser.
Now, complete the installation process. And your application should be ready to use locally.